Faculty of Engineering at Sriracha

Faculty of
Engineering at Sriracha

5 Departments
Provides learning opportunities intended to develop and produce top engineers who have the skills and competencies to pursue innovation that will contribute to the business, commercial and industrial sectors of society

The Faculty of Engineering at Sriracha

Kasetsart University
Different from the course Faculty of General Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering at Sriracha is located in the center of Thailand's innovative Special Economic Zone, known as the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). The KU Sriracha campus is conveniently located nearby major transportation systems (air, land and sea) and is close to one of the main industrial areas of Thailand. We focus on producing excellent engineers who have the knowledge and skills suitable for the 21st Century, and who have the professional character and initiative to meet the needs of the business and industrial sectors of Thai society.



Website : www.eng.src.ku.ac.th
Facebook : engineeringSRC
YouTube : Faculty of Engineering at Sriracha
Instagram : engineeringsrc
Twitter : engineeringsrc

Tel : +66 3835 4580 3
Ext. 662202 Public Relations
Ext. 662217 Admissions
Ext. 662214 Internship and Cooperative Study